Innovative Wellness Center
Experience the Future of Wellness


IV hydration is an amazing medical treatment that can work wonders for your body! It involves delivering fluids directly into your veins through an intravenous (IV) catheter, which can help you feel refreshed and revitalized in no time. Whether you're dealing with dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or other medical conditions, IV hydration can be a game-changer. And the best part? You can receive this treatment at our medical center or in our fitness center.
So why wait? Try IV hydration today and feel the difference for yourself!
IV Vitamin Menu and Costs
Immunity Boost
Give your body the best chance against bacterial and viral infections by supporting your immune system with a tailored mixture of vitamins and minerals!
Contains: Vitamin C, B-Complex, Zinc, Glutathione
Add Vitamin D intramuscular shot for $26
Price: $148
Myers Cocktail
Named after the late Dr. John Myers, the Myer’s cocktail supplements several essential vitamins and minerals to support recovery, metabolism, and vitality!
Contains: Magnesium, B-Complex, Calcium, B12, Vitamin C
Price: $148
Get Up & Go
Supply your brain and metabolism with what it needs for optimum performance!
Contains: Vitamin C, B-Complex, Magnesium, Zinc, Trace minerals, Taurine, B12
Price: $168
Celebrate too much last night? Let us help you recover!
Contains: Zofran, Toradol, B-Complex, Magnesium, Zinc, Trace minerals
Price: $188
Skin, hair and nails need to look their best!
Contains: Vitamin C, B-Complex, Biotin, Glutathione 1 g
Price: $168
Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
End the nasal congestion!
Contains: Vitamin C, B-Complex, Magnesium, Hydroxocobalamin, Pyridoxine, Dexpanthenol
Add on Tri-Immune IM injection $36
Price: $188

If interested in learning more regarding our VITAMIN or Beauty blend packages, we kindly ask that you reach out to the office at 724-635-0147!
**Disclaimer: Not approved by the FDA as treatment. If an individual suffers from any short-term or long-term conditions and have concerns surrounding this treatment, please consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling.